Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
My Husband! Bless him!
Bless Mike! He has said that I can have an indoor dog! He said because he loved me dearly, he was putting aside his "druthers" and would let me have a dog. He's amazing!
Now comes the choice...I am leaning towards one like Oscar here, Christian's dog. He is adorable!
And there is a litter that will be ready the first week of November. They don't shed and are hypoallergenic. The wired long-haired mini dachshunds are more laid back and love children.
Oscar is great with the Grands and with other dogs. IF I do get one I will name him Mr. Bingley and call him "Mr. B" for short.
Whatever I get I have promised to train and do classes with them. All you who read my blog, please hold me accountable! I've never been very good at this except training our Collie to "use" the woods rather than our yard. Well that was something at least.
I have missed Darcy so much and have felt such an emptiness. Today when Mike said I could get another dog, I have felt lighter and happier. I am so excited!
Don't know what or when for sure but just know that it's coming! :)
Oh happy day!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Welcome Fall!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
First time in...
I am, however, surrounded by my faithful bobblehead dog, Rusty and my cows but it's just not the same!
They are too quiet and there is no affection, no warmth.
I have been having puppy dreams...
puppies, people walking dogs, and then last night all these puppies were outside our house and some had gotten inside. I was trying to take their pictures and then I woke up.
Mike would have said it was a nightmare.
Hopefully one day another loving, faithful dog will abide in our home...a small one that can sit in my lap and Mike's and just love being with us.
But for now I will just wait.
Hopefully not too long but in all fairness to Mike, who tolerated all the animals we've had for almost 37 years...(I brought a cat into our marriage), I need to wait until he's ready and then it will be his idea and not just mine!
Hey, maybe one like Father Tim's who responds to scripture but don't want him or her to be the size of a Buick!
Leave you with these thoughts....
"Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring- it was peace." Milan Kundera
"Dogs never lie about love." Jeffrey Masson
Sure am missing you, Miss Darcy! But I am SO glad we had your love!
Monday, September 19, 2011
It's a cloudy, cooler morning...quite peaceful, well, with the exception of the enthusiastic crows that greeted me earlier.
Was on the porch for an early breakfast and now am at the computer writing my blog for today. I am still amazed at the thoughtfulness of my friends, especially my church family.
Beautiful cards, sweet e-mails and phone calls and even a pair of "Great Dane" socks have come across my path.
God, in His wonderful love and faithfulness is restoring my joy. I have moments of this morning as I sat on the porch, before I took my first bite of breakfast, I "heard" Darcy's walk on the sidewalk, coming to greet me. Over the past few days I've "heard" her bark, scratch at the door and rummage around in the woods nearby. Guess that will happen for a while.
But the "neatest" thing was Saturday morning. I awoke and felt different...better...not quite as sad and as I made my way out of the bedroom, I realized that God had put a song in my heart and I began singing it ever so softly..."Beautiful One, I love...Beautiful One I adore...Beautiful One, my soul must sing"! soul MUST sing....
No matter how sad we can be, how hurt, how alone we may feel...if we belong to Him, He will ALWAYS take care of us and if you listen will hear the song He has put in your heart.
Went about the morning...Nutcracker auditions with Makenna and April, Alice Jules afterwards with them to celebrate Nutcracker rehearsals beginning again, Lowes for purple Astors for Darcy's grave and then home for a very brief time.
We left to work at the church and when I walked in the door, the band was practicing...the song: "Beautiful One"! The love God showers on me minute by minute, so bubbled all over me...
and yes...we sang it yesterday..."my soul, my soul must sing..."...selah.......
I've always loved that song but now it has an even more special meaning for me.
During a time of great sadness, God gently reminded me that I was His, that He had made me and that He would always take extra good care of me, better than anyone else and yes, that He would always put a song in my heart.
No matter what, He is always worthy of our praise and worship and He will even draw it out when we seem to be struggling...what an amazing, loving God we serve!
Friday, September 16, 2011
Of friends and family, kids and Grands"
Late this afternoon, April, Lee and the grands came. At first it was very sad but we shared some memories- one especially...everytime they came over Darcy would sniff around in their van and eat whatever food she could find.
She was a great "cleaner"! She did this to Anna's van also.
The grands wanted to begin some work on Darcy's grave. While Camden was digging holes for the flowers, Makenna, Elliott and Christian planted them. Elliott found the yellow hard hat that Darcy would carry around the yard, yet another attention getter.
Guess she had put it in the woods. He thought it would be good to place on her grave. They have other plans that we will work on later.
They all came in with their sweet hugs and it made everything seem better.
Last night Anna and the grands brought dinner and gave me the sweetest hugs. So special!
And so many family members and friends have sent e-mails, comments, phone calls and messages through the girls' facebook and everyone has been so incredibly thoughtful. I have felt all the love and prayers.
Thank you to all of you who have been such a blessing to us.
God bless!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
My sweet Miss Darcy...
Miss Darcy died this morning and my heart is broken. I've cried all day and just when I think all my tears have been shed, more come.
Mike was away and I called our son who was at work. He came immediately! Bless his boss! His wife's sister who is a Vet assistant also came.
I was a mess and Billy sent me inside.
When it came time to prepare her, I brought out my favorite red, fuzzy blanket to wrap her in and left them to attend her.
I chose a spot in the garden area and Billy dug for hours. Billy's wife, Brittany, got off work early. She works for a Veterinary and they insisted she leave early to come to be with us. What a blessing!
We buried her with her bones that she would carry around and around the yard whenever she wanted extra attention. We prayed and I thanked God for her, that she had been in our lives and was such a wonderful pet.
Billy had given her to me over 8 years ago. She would have been 9 this January, having lived almost two years longer than a Great Dane's lifespan. She was never sick; never in pain and lived a full life knowing that she was greatly loved, by me, Mike, the kids and all the grands as well as some of my friends who knew her as a Gentle Giant.
I will miss her terribly and have felt so lost and empty today but God heals all my hurts.
Here are some pictures that I have of her. I called her "mama's big girl", "my prancing pony" and sometimes "Darcy Mae". She was the best!
Autumn Splashes
splashed about here and there! Sure wished I had my camera...but, alas...her "batteries are exhausted" and I need to get some more.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Such a special afternoon!
Sat here, me on the left and Marcia on the right, sipping our homemade chocolate raspberry espressos over ice (thank you Sandi for teaching me how to do that!) this afternoon.
With her working, we've had very little porch time and today she didn't have to go in!
What a wonderful visit with a dear friend! And since she's closer from here to the Grands we share, she was heading over there for a quick visit. That will be a treat for them all!
What a lovely way to enjoy a pre-Autumn afternoon!
One of my favorites!
I follow Holley Gerth's blog, Heart to Heart with Holley. Love it! She has a way with words and thoughts and always is an encouragement.
Here's an excerpt from her blog this morning. Part is a quote from Max Lucado and the ending is hers.
She said that if you could see the "tag" on your heart, it would say "made in heaven".
"Da Vinci painted one Mona Lisa. Beethoven composed one Fifth Symphony. And God made one version of you... We exist to exhibit God, to display His glory. We serve as canvases for His brushstroke, papers for His pen, soil for His seeds, glimpses of His image." Max Lucado
Holley says "God longs for His children to embrace the worth and value He's given them and then use it to bless others. When we know who we are and Whose we are, we're free to love, live with joy, and make a difference in the world."
Sure blessed me this morning!
May it bless you too! May you see what a precious treasure you truly are!
Monday, September 12, 2011
"Fall's a-comin!"
I know...I'm addicted to Fall! It is SO in my blood!
Good news for you fans of Autumn...temperatures are going down this week! Lows in the upper 50s and by Thursday/Friday, the highs in the 70s!!! WOOHOO!
I got a bit chilly at the football game Friday night; had to pull my sleeves down. Okay, so it wasn't that chilly but to me every degree counts!
Oh and our "guy" played great and his team won... BIG!
Wonderful weekend...special times with our friends, "grands" and a great church service!
April, Lee and the kids went to the mountains yesterday for the day and stopped off to pick apples at an orchard and they brought us some last night on their way home. Yummy!
Ballet classes for Makenna, Nutcracker tryouts too, school, church outreach and other activities are on my calendar for the week. Going to be a good one!
Hope yours is too!
Friday, September 9, 2011
"Let the game begin" or as Sherlock would say, "the game's a foot!"
We go to a high school football game with our friends, Patti and Roy, tonight to watch one of the young men in our church play. It's been about 40 years since we've been to one of those!
It begins the weekend festivities...then breakfast at the Grill, keeping a couple of the "grand" boys...which Mike will have himself after I leave for a Biltmore Inspirations party with my friend Patti. (Think they are going to work on the treehouse! That treehouse...may be finished in the next few years, who knows! I think I'm the one who really wants it!)
Then church on Sunday and lunch with friends afterwards. After that I'm sure there will be a lovely Sunday afternoon nap and just relaxing the rest of the evening.
Hope your weekend is what you want it to be!
Enjoy! And just keep your eyes wide open for a bit of "Fall-unfolding"!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Of closets and cabinets and...
a laundry room out of control!
Well, no more!
Feel as though I have accomplished much these past several days.
I can actually do the laundry with ease; nor more contortions while avoiding this and that.
Ah! I have entered the laundry room several times today just to admire it's organization.
I would have taken a cup of tea in and just sat and looked at the work of my hands but it is a bit small for that.
That's what a dear friend taught me many years ago. When you accomplish something, especially in cleaning/organizing, fix a cup of tea and sit back and admire your work!
I even organized the tupperware cabinet which was no small feat and the pantry! WooHoo!
Was in the kitchen area all morning and then after lunch I worked on my closet and our bedroom.
Now I think I'll have that cup of tea! I've earned it! :)
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Simple Pleasures #2
Still enjoying the cooler temperature...still wearing my hoodie--inside the house...
and have a pot of homemade vegetable beef soup cooking on the stove and those wonderfully fragrant apples baking in the oven...ahhh.....lovely just lovely....
just welcoming the Fall!
Hey! Embrace the child within and do something...FALLISH!
For the record...
for the my previous blog I wrote the word "here" meaning to write the word "HEAR"
and for some reason blogger won't let me edit it.... oh well!
I am a pretty good "speller" and know how to use most words correctly! ;)
Simple treats and pleasures!
Well.....sort of...just humor me, okay?
This morning I got up and unlocked the doors and went out on the screened porch. CHILLY!
57 degrees! WooHoo!!!! Got my hot coffee in my Alice Jules mug and had to grab a hoodie!
Even turned on the "fire" and had the fountain bubbling. (can it get much better than this??)
Then I realized that I could OPEN the windows!!!!! This may seem like a"nothing" to you but it's a "something" to me. First of all, I've never been able to open too many windows in our house in quite a while. Old windows, old screens with a few holes here and there and windows that wouldn't even open. NOT anymore! Oh what a treat for me! I went about opening windows all over the house and bringing the outside in! Now I walk around and here the birds, the insects...even car and school bus sounds. I'm loving it! Oh this cooler morning has really brought out the "child" in me!
Even having thoughts of baking some Galas and Granny Smiths with cinnamon, Stevia and a bit of butter! getting a whiff of them already!
Welcome Fall!!!! Welcome!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Some glimpses of Autumn in our house
I so love to decorate for the seasons! I do believe my very favorite time is the Autumn...
the richness of the season adorns most rooms and I can enjoy it for three months. I never tire of autumn scenes all around our house, spilling out onto the screened porch.
I'll share more of "autumn" throughout during the next days and weeks.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Saturday Night Festivities!
Part of our evening with our family in pictures!
We all gathered to watch the ultasound video of our new granddaughter and celebrated just being all together with pizza!
I had all these grandiose ideas of the pictures I wanted to get but once all the grands arrived
all of that went right out "the window"!
Wanted one of Brittany with her cute belly but it turned out fuzzy as did others. :(
I was disappointed but here are a few. I think Christian took most of these pictures.
Once we were all together they shared her name!
Friday, September 2, 2011
A New Prospect
My normal routine in the early morning is porch time with my coffee, usually my Bible and journal but sometimes I just go and sit and talk to God. And I usually sit in the same spot but this morning was different. I sat on the opposite side. I had a "new prospect", a new point of view and I caught a glimpse of another tree just beginning to display her light orangey-red leaves!
[You do remember how I am with the unfolding of brightly colored leafy displays :)]
Had I sat in my usual place, I would have missed them!
Then I thought, there's a lesson in this. You know there's a lesson in practically everything but sometimes we just don't take time to receive it and learn.
Sometimes we need to mix up our "routines". Take another route...look out from a new prospect, etc. Who knows how many wonderful miracles we've missed!
So today, even though Book club is tonight and the house needs some attention, I'm going to change my routine a bit, do things a bit differently, maybe take time to sit out on the 2nd floor front porch and enjoy a new point of view!
Hope you can do the same!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Welcome September!
"The morrow was a bright September morn;
The earth was beautiful as if new-born;
There was that nameless splendor everywhere,
That wild exhilaration in the air..."
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
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