Okay, okay Mike...guess I wasn't REALLY kidding!
Darcy had been soooo good and I was reminded of Stanley...Steamin Stanley Roundbottom the
the Third...
Stanley was my English Sheepdog during the days of Rod McKuen's poetry(he had sheepdogs)
and the early years of our marriage.
Mike had to go out of town for a week and Stanley slept with me...in our full size bed of which he
had the most space.
Well all this came to my mind last night...my "wonderful sneaky mind" according to Kylie!
So I thought I would give Darcy a try! No she didn't sleep on your side, Mike, but right smack up against me! Actually she chose a very protective stance and it was so sweet and we both slept quite well!
She stays right with me and is obeying me so well. Right now she's asleep in the Grand's
cubby in the attic room where I'm busy blogging!
I leave you with this thought, all you dog lovers...
"Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent.
To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden,
where doing nothing was not boring-it was peace."
Milan Kundera
Well, I don't know if that's true of all dogs but Miss Darcy was a bit jealous when we showed Katie affection sometimes...
but all in all she's a wonderfully sweet companion!
The kids were super excited that you let Darcy sleep with you!!! Now, you know they are all arguing over who she'll sleep with when they spend the night over there!;) Dogs are wonderful companions and body guards, and even though Toby can drive me bonkers, I still love him to pieces!
Four grand kids and one oversized mutt? Maybe I should stay in NYC.
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