Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Lovely, quiet Sunday

It has been such a wonderful Sunday. We were "tucked" in, all warm and cozy, enjoying the beautiful sunshine reflecting the "diamonds" on the snow and ice! Sparkling!!!!

Watched the Cardinals, Snow birds, Crows, and other birds as they ate their various meals throughout the day, along with their "squirrelly" friends. It looked like an animal's paradise there for a while!

Then we were entertained by many of our neighbors as they went sledding down the hill in front of our house. Miss Darcy loved that! We had to keep stopping her from barking which resulted in bringing her inside so everyone could have some peace and quiet.

We watched The Lord of the Rings some and then read by the fire. We played Rummy.
We snacked. We curled up under the blanket and one of us dozed... (guess who?)

So grateful for the quiet, relaxing day...

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Was looking through a drawer a few minutes ago and came across this picture!

It's me and April, our firstborn...about 30 years ago!


Sometimes it seems like only yesterday but now she has 4 of her own!

Need to find some of our other precious children,
Bill and Anna.


Yes! It isn't very much but it's still beautiful!

Here are a few of my feathered friends having their breakfast.

Hope the snow will keep coming....all day would be lovely!

Friday, January 29, 2010

A Felicific Friday

It's been "that" kind of Friday!
A quiet, restful, literary, very HAPPY Friday!

An afternoon of ponderings... of escaping to another time and place,
yet all the while so aware of my surroundings and "such a time as this".

How I love to enjoy the God-given gifts and talents of music,
in literature, in art and architecture.

Yes there were times of doing dishes, laundry, hauling wood but it all seemed to
add to my happiness and of course having Mike here working is just the icing on the cake!

Thursday, January 28, 2010 Anna so wonderfully shared....

As I am continuing to read, savoring every thought the author's words convey, I come upon this description of an elderly cleric whose words of wisdom and truth set Cousin Mary upon her life's journey.....

"He had a round clerical hat, dusty and green with age. He put it on and gripped his umbrella in his left hand and held out his right to me. I held it and it was dry and rough and hot.
"My dear," he said, "I will pray for you every day of my life until I die." .....

"My dear," he said, "love, your God, is a trinity. There are three necessary prayers and they have three words each. They are these, 'Lord have mercy. Thee I adore. Into Thy hands.'
Not difficult to remember. If in times of distress you hold to these you will do well."


Monday, January 25, 2010

What a book!

I'm reading The Scent of Water for about the 5th or 6th time.
It's our Book Club "read" for February.

The British author is Elizabeth Goudge who began writing books in the 1930s.
One of our "Illustrious" ladies said that she wrote with a paintbrush. What a lovely thought
and so very true!

There are too many passages to choose from but one of my favorites...

"The old-fashioned room was filled with the quietness of the deep country and the light of a
marvelous sunset. Mrs. Baker, who had loved the dead woman, was touched to awe by the tide of gold. It was like water, she thought, flooding into the room..."

"touched to awe"....selah.....

Have you ever experienced that?

Just may have to share more as I continue reading.

Fine tuning

This will be a week of "fine tuning".... fine tuning the home and me....

Will be putting the house back together- just a few rooms really and I
will make the time, take the time to pull away as much as posssible from
the things of man and "sit" at the feet of Father God.

I want to hear Him more clearly and "walk"..."live"... truly "abide" in His Word.

He will balance me and enable me to be a better woman, wife, mother, grandmother,
mother-in-law, etc.

I am a work in progress! We all are !!!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010


We've now replaced everything we lost except for Mike's carpet
in his office.

Everything is up and running thanks to Mike and Dan, one of our son-in-laws!

Speaking of son-in-laws...they're pretty neat guys and have always been so good to me
and Mike!

Lee even brought me a red velvet SAS cupcake the other day as a special treat! Ahhhh...

We are truly blessed!


Friday, January 22, 2010


I love animals...most animals.

I think tigers, lions, giraffes, pandas, bears, horses, dogs, cats, birds,...etc. are beautiful!

Can't say that I've ever been very attached to a snake before. Did play with a King Snake

when I was a little girl...our neighbor had befriended it.

Well now that I have a "grand"snake named Sonic....I think he's beautiful too!

Many will not agree with me on that but Sonic is a Ball Python with personality and

gorgeous markings.

I held him and introduced myself as one of his grandmothers...actually the only one that will

hold him!

As I held him, April pointed out that the "bump" in the middle of his long slender body was

his meal of the week...that was a bit weird! Told her I didn't know if I needed to know that

much information!

He seems to have adjusted well to his new home and especially to Christian, his owner.

Guess he will be around for quite some time. I'll be in my 90's when he comes into "old age"!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Great advice!

"Grow up. You're kingdom subjects.

Now live like it. Live out your God-created identity.

Live generously and graciously toward others, the way

God lives toward you."

The Message Matt. 5:48

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

One Left!!!!

Whew! Down to one more closet...mine in our bedroom.

Am really hoping they won't get to our room today.

Ran out of steam last night! Anna and I worked until 11:pm but we got three
closets done! Now I have a box and two bags full of stuff for the Kidney Foundation.

I had done the linen closet before Anna got here so much WAS accomplished last night!

Being "forced" to do this wasn't really that painful! Guess I just needed that "little"

Today I will go through 3 boxes of papers that I have saved for some reason and then tackle
my closet this evening...after I go for more totes!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Yikes! The cleaning ladies are going to clean all the closets too!!!!!

Panic! Well, maybe not panic but pretty close!

The closets ...well, let's just say I would rather no one look in them right now.
And now I don't have a choice! Yikes! Double Yikes!

I have enlisted the help of daughters but think only Anna can come tonight.
April could tomorrow night but I'm not sure how much time I have so tonight it is!

Was reminded how the Lord had told me a l-o-n-g time ago to simplify...clean out...
throw away....

Well I did start but somewhere along the way I got "lost".

Guess what! I just found the "path"'s a bit rocky but I will manage!

Energize me Lord! :)

Getting back to normal

Today the cleaning crew will begin cleaning the upstairs.
It will be nice to get rid of this smoke odor, hopefully completely by the end of the week.

Mike has ordered my new Dell computer and I can hardly wait to get it... and
get it up and running!

We still have other items to replace but we'll get it done.

I'm looking forward to a REALLY clean upstairs! I think it may just be the catalyst I need to
tackle all of the downstairs from floor to ceiling!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


There's something about seeing a light in the neighbor's window across the way
on a winter's evening that is so comforting.

Every night when I close the blinds in our den I look over to see our neighbor's lamp burning
so welcoming in their window. It's like being engulfed in a warm, soft cozy,
so secure....

It's an "ahhhh" moment!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

On our way...

We're on our way to replacing the items we lost.

Found a newer version of the kitchen TV I lost. Has the built in DVD player just like the other
I enjoy putting a movie in while I'm working in the kitchen.
Will get it set up this morning.

We are checking on the best prices for the other items and hopefully I can get a computer
next weekend!

This coming week will be a busy one with lots of people coming and going in our house
and this will probably be the cleanest the upstairs will ever be! :)

Friday, January 15, 2010

A Cotton Candy Morning!

God has the most divine sense of humor!

This morning I looked out and there are wispy tufts of pink cotton candy ALL over the sky!

He's just full of wonderful surprises!

It's going to be a "sweet, sweet day"!

Enjoy His blessings...He's so in love with you!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Did you hear the sunrise?

The sunrise was almost deafening this morning!
All I could hear was "Majesty!" "Majesty!"

My whole being joined in with the heavenly hosts!

It was the most gorgeous sunrise I think I have ever seen!

Heaven AND Earth adore You, Almighty God!!!

Where to begin?????

Yesterday a transformer blew up outside and caused a power surge which be came a catalyst
in starting a small electrical fire in Mike's office.

Needless to say there was much excitement as three fire trucks, a police car and many volunteer fireman converged upon our home!

Mike had already put the fire out before he called them but we couldn't really tell if anything else was going on so we called.

Everyone kept saying that it was so good that we were home and that is so true!
The Lord was really looking out for us!

Early this morning our insurance adjuster was here and then the owner of a cleaning company
His company will start cleaning the entire upstairs and replace the carpet in Mike's office.
This all begins Monday.

Now we are waiting for money to replace my computer which was fried, two television sets that were also ruined and two satellite receivers and a few other cords along with the heavy duty surge protectors that protected Mike's computers and printers!

Oh and I am happy to say that John Wayne remained unscathed! Mike's life-size cardboard
John Wayne was about 6 inches or so from the flames! Amazing!!!

And Mike had business papers, plans all over his office and none of them burned!

What an adventure! AND one that I hope we never have to repeat! :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Random Thoughts

These are thoughts that have lately gripped me.

The last thought on Winter just warmed my heart and painted a portrait,
just a glimpse of who I am.

Thought #1 "You can't find firm footing in a swamp,
but life rooted in God stands firm." Message Bible Prov.12:3

Thought #2 "Knowledge without application eventually becomes
boring and unfullfilling every time." Rick Renner

Thought #3 "Winter is the time for comfort, for good food
and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand,
and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home." Edith Sitwell

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Getting Back on Track!

I am becoming very serious about eating better and exercising 30 minutes a day.

I am taking this one day at a time and trying to keep a journal about it.

I did great yesterday...even with having a double scoop German Chocolate ice cream cone!

Actually last night was a rather tasty evening..... some of my favorite "things"....
Sacha shrimp with a spring roll, won ton soup, and Chinese hot tea....
(the secret of this was smaller portions)

German Chocolate ice cream... hmmmmmm (not a small portion but better than 3 scoops!)

then on to Barnes and Noble for two crossword puzzle books and a tall white mocha latte...
only drank half...

A yummy evening indeed...and this morning I got up and had lost 1/2 a pound! :)

Here comes day #2 and I am encouraged!

On to a healthier me!!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

German Chocolate Ice Cream

Oh my gosh!

Baskin Robbins German Chocolate ice cream is the best in the world!!!
(No, I don't have any stock with them.)

The only thing wrong about it is that's it's seasonal... :(
Usually it's available around November but this year there was none to be found...

Until.... Mike e-mailed the company and the owner of three stores near us responded.

He had the ice cream ordered and it's now available at one of his stores and we are going tonight!

One year Mike bought me the huge tub that they have in the store. It lasted me a year!
Yes, there was a bit of freezer burn after quite a while but all I had to do was scrape it off and
voila! delicious ice cream!

Wouldn't you know it would come out right when I am changing my eating habits but I will work it out!

YUMMY!!!! Carmel Commons here we come!

Thought for the day.....

"The contents of someone's bookcase
are part of his history,
like an ancestral portrait."

Anatole Broyard

What do your book shelves say about you?

Saturday, January 9, 2010


We had a little pizza birthday party for Elliott last night. It was his 8th birthday and all of us were together except our son and his wife.
This is the ending of the evening and some of us were more tired than usual as it shows in some faces! But Granggie begged and everyone finally came together and this is the results of her pleading.
It was a crazy night! Much talking, much running and laughing and some falling out of chairs, running into stuff, a little-very little blood as one who fell out bit his lip ever so slightly. Drama, drama for a few seconds. Then the oldest granddaughter got her foot caught in the leg of a chair and down she went. It became rather humorous and you didn't know who would fall or trip next!
Believe it or not we actually did have some "good" between!

Friday, January 8, 2010

No Snow :(

Oh well....

no snow this time but one day!

Guess our "lights" will just have to wait for the next Christmas season...
Mike's taking them down tomorrow.....

However...the porch tree still remains! :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Awaitng Snow!!!!!!!

I know our neighbors must think we've lost it...

I told Mike we couldn't take the outside lights down until we had snow.
Don't you think Christmas lights look best with snow?

Well, as soon as heard that Atlanta was getting snow I rushed outside to turn on
our beautiful colored lights in six trees and the lights on the deck.

And of course the Christmas tree on the porch!

So now our trees are ready to welcome the SNOW!!!!!

Me too!

So enjoyable!

Tonight will be the first meeting of the New Year for the ILS.

The ILS is the Illustrious Literary Society.....our ladies book club!
We meet once a month and discuss our book or books of the month.
and then we rate them.

We enjoy the fellowship and the coffee, tea, hot cider, etc. along with delicious goodies.
It is so much fun!

We are all different. We range from our 20s into our 60s. We don't all like the same kind of books and we don't always agree on rating our book of the month but we have chosen
to disagree agreeably!

If you love to read, why not start a book club in your home!

It's just one of my many pleasures in life!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Food for thought..........

"Be today who you want to be tomorrow."
Ruth Clark

A delicious morsel to chew on.........selah!

*selah- pause, stop and think about...meditate on

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"Black hole..."


Yippee! No more black hole. It is now safe to walk in Bill's old bedroom.
No more boxes everywhere! No more cards, papers, books, and oh yes,
no more leaves that my plant shed all over. (I'm trying to keep this one alive!) it totally but it sure looks better!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Oh my gosh!!!

Just how many pocketbooks does a woman need?????

I finally got upstairs to work in our bedroom this afternoon. I took down Christmas tree #3,
emptied the rocking chair of clothes, folded and not, books, and two pocketbooks.
(I actually took all that stuff and threw it onto the bed!)

The rocking chair is really too big for our bedroom and honestly it had become a "catch-all"...
especially for THOSE pocketbooks. So out it was going!

Okay, so now there's a small mountain in the vastness of our king bed and what???Oh no...
more pocketbooks!!!!
Ridiculous...yes! You know those Hobo bags? Well I'm done with those guys! Who can ever find anything in them anyway! Everything I ever need is always at the very bottom and "runs' from side to side, trying to avoid me!

Also I have a really bad habit....whenever I change handbags I tend to throw the papers, receipts, junk into the other bag...or the other bag, or the other one, etc.
So I decided to clean out all my bags at once!
I WILL not tell you how long that took! It would be extremely embarrassing!
BUT...I did it!

AND I have decided to get rid of everyone of them that doesn't have organizational compartments! I think that will leave me with 1 black one....hummmm...
what happens when I wear brown?????? Or wear my favorite brown clogs?????
Maybe on those days I'll travel light....wallet, checkbook and lipstick...the essentials you know!
I do have a small brown bag that will hold those!

And so ends day #1 of organizing and simplifying....whew, I think it's going to be a very long winter!

Back on track!

Nothing like a cold brisk day to get the "juices" flowing....or maybe nothing like a good cup of Gevalia Breakfast Blend!

After my time with the Lord by the fire this morning, (oh how I love that!)
I am now ready to tackle the day!

I don't make New Year's resolutions but I do think about areas I need to improve.
I do set some goals but I also try to be realistic about the goals I set.

So here I to a good start! :)

Write the vision....make it plain! And just do it!

Sunday, January 3, 2010


I am loving this cold weather! The air seems so fresh!

Of course it's nice to come in, build a fire, and then take a nap in front of it!

That was our Sunday afternoon.... a fire in the fireplace, all cozy under a blanket on the
sofa with the sunlight gently resting on my face....ahhhh....
such a dreamy nap!

Lovely, just lovely.....

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

"We will open the book.
Its pages are blank.
We are going to put words on them ourselves.
The book is called Opportunity and its first
chapter is New Year's Day."

Edith Lovejoy Pierce

What will you write?