Yesterday a transformer blew up outside and caused a power surge which be came a catalyst
in starting a small electrical fire in Mike's office.
Needless to say there was much excitement as three fire trucks, a police car and many volunteer fireman converged upon our home!
Mike had already put the fire out before he called them but we couldn't really tell if anything else was going on so we called.
Everyone kept saying that it was so good that we were home and that is so true!
The Lord was really looking out for us!
Early this morning our insurance adjuster was here and then the owner of a cleaning company
His company will start cleaning the entire upstairs and replace the carpet in Mike's office.
This all begins Monday.
Now we are waiting for money to replace my computer which was fried, two television sets that were also ruined and two satellite receivers and a few other cords along with the heavy duty surge protectors that protected Mike's computers and printers!
Oh and I am happy to say that John Wayne remained unscathed! Mike's life-size cardboard
John Wayne was about 6 inches or so from the flames! Amazing!!!
And Mike had business papers, plans all over his office and none of them burned!
What an adventure! AND one that I hope we never have to repeat! :)
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