Monday, February 22, 2010

"Rainy days and Mondays ...."

Remember that old song?

"Rainy days and Mondays always get me down"....NOT me!

I actually enjoy rainy days and Mondays!

That probably has to do with the fact that I usually don't have to head out on Mondays
unless I plan to but I don't think they ever got me down, not even when I was teaching.
Mondays were always "new"...beginning a new week...a fresh start...
and rainy days, well they always make me feel cozy! Even if I have to be out in it, I love getting back in the car and especially back know, to all the coziness!
Even a car can be cozy!

I do remember however that rainy days made my Nannan a bit depressed. If I went to see her on a cloudy, rainy day I would come in and turn on lights all over her house.
I told her that on rainy days she needed to make her own sunshine!
I love making my own sunshine here at home on those rainy, cloudy days!
Just makes everything much more COZY!

So...hope you have a very cozy Monday!
[Attitude is everything! :)]

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