Sunday, May 23, 2010

a "message"

Was reading this afternoon in the Message Bible in Esther, the introduction.

Amazing how something was so true then and is now.

"It seems odd that the awareness of God, or even of the people of God, brings out the worst in some people. God, the source of all goodness and blessing and joy, at times becomes the occaison
for nearly unimaginable acts of cruelty, atrocity, and evil.
There is a long history of killing men and women simply because they are perceived as reminders or representatives of the living God, as if killing people who worship God gets rid of God Himself."

"There is hardly a culture or century that doesn't eventually find a Haman determined to rid the world of evidence and reminders of God."

How incredibly sad but true. Unfortunately we have many "Hamans" working overtime in our century, in our our nation...especially within our governments.

I never thought that I would see this "where I live".

But our God will never be shaken!

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