Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A wet morning...INSIDE!

See, even Darcy's worn out already! Doesn't she look so sweet?
The "wet" morning began with me on the treadmill! I was sweaty and red in the face when our
old UPS friend, Bobby pulled in the driveway.
Had just finished my 30 minute fast walk and so I made a mad dash downstairs to greet him at the door. He shared that he would be retiring soon after 30 years with UPS!
After a brief conversation, he left and then the morning got even wetter!
I put Darcy in Mike's shower and gave her a bath. The thing about bathing her is that the "bather" gets as wet as the "bathee"! Whew! After that I put her up and hit my shower!
Yes! Human again!
Then I put her outside but she wanted to stay with me so I let her.
She sat so sweetly on the porch while I had quiet time and then outside my bathroom door while I brushed my teeth and now she has been resting here in the computer / library room with me.
(Actually we are waiting for the traveling Vet...he's coming to give her a rabies shot, but don't tell her!)

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