God speaks. God is always speaking but we don't always hear, or we may hear and then decide that's NOT what we wanted to hear and so we go on as if nothing has happened.
God speaks through His Word. If we choose not to believe His Word then we don't know what He is saying. All His words, all His marvelous promises will have no effect on us. We will have missed out on great wealth, great treasures.
God speaks. He even spoke through a donkey one time because He couldn't get the man's attention. He can speak outloud, in a still, small voice, to our hearts, in a song, a book, a movie, etc. He is always speaking and His words are ALWAYS important.
He has been speaking to me in a special way these past few days. Each day's message building on the previous one. He has used His Word, a devotional and His sweet voice in my heart.
I am being changed. I am being corrected and encouraged. I am hearing and I am yielding.
I am obeying.
What is He saying to you? Slow down. Be still. Ask Him to speak and He will. Be quiet and listen.
Expect to hear His voice in any capacity He may choose. Listen and obey. You will never be the same again nor could you be any happier than when you yield to Him.
Write them down. Keep a journal. Read them over and over. They will take root in your heart and you will "bloom" into the person He created you to become. No struggles, only believe.
A warning.....His words to you will never contradict His Word, the Bible. The Bible will confirm
those precious words.
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