Tuesday, October 5, 2010


"...untidy, disordered, dirty, etc."

As Claire said in "Letters to Juliet", "life is the messy parts!"

This morning as I sat on the porch all bundled, sipping hot coffee, geese flew over in their organized V formation. I heard them before I saw them. I love hearing them; it is yet another "gift" of Autumn to me!
I thought how beautiful they look flying, how beautiful their sound, how beautiful their coloring and then I thought about all the places I had been, having to step over their messes.
I laughed!

Reminded me of life! Life is beautiful...but there are messy parts. There is beauty in every aspect of life but there are also messes...good times and bad times...easy times and hard.
Marriages, relationships, jobs, etc., just living in general... all have messy parts yet there is such beauty and so many lasting rewards in these.
Sometimes we have to go through the messy parts to discover and appreciate the beauty.

And it is well worth it!

1 comment:

April said...

LOVE it!!(and love you!:)