Friday, January 13, 2012


Our church is doing a 21 day fast. We've been given three food fast for the time, a Daniel fast for the time or 7 days of fasting food, then 7 days on a Daniel fast and the last 7, fasting secular media. We began Wednesday and will end the fast on the 31st.
Mike and I have been rather excited about this. It's a good way to begin the new year!

This fast will touch every area of our lives- physical, spiritual, even emotional. We believe it will set the "tone" of 2012. Our main desire is to grow in the Lord, hear His voice more clearly, and be more rooted and grounded in His Word.

Also that old habits will be broken and new, healthier ones formed! Mike and I both need to lose weight and change our lifestyle a bit. This has been a great "jump-start" for us.
It's amazing! As we focus on the Lord, talk with Him, meditate on His Word; food no longer is our focus. He is helping us do this and we sense His strength.
He brings "things" to mind that we need to "fix" but He never asks us to do it without Him.

This morning as I walked Charlotte in the yard while the very cold winter wind was blowing, I felt so renewed. Wow! It was like that York Peppermint Patty commercial!
Know as we continue on this adventure, it will only get better!

Here's to geting healthy in every area of our lives!

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