Wednesday, December 2, 2009

"Let Heaven and Nature sing!"

This is my favorite tree in our house. It really reflects me...who I am.
I love the woods, the birds, squirrels, deer, the rabbits...
I love nature...I always "feel" especially close to God outside...on a porch, deck, at the ocean, in the mountains...walking through woods.
It all declares His majesty...His awesome majesty!
I come out early in the mornings with my peppermint mocha coffee and just bask in
His the beautiful gifts He has given me.
I come out at dusk, my Christmas mug full of warm tea or coffee and do the same.
I become "lost in wonder"..."lost in His love" as the song says.
Yesterday afternoon I filled bird feeders and put out food for the deer. I hadn't seen them in
quite a while but knew they had been coming since the food was always gone.
I briefly thought how I had missed observing them and went about my work.
Supper was cooking on the stove and I came out on the porch with my Christmas mug full of peppermint mocha coffee and sat down...just to gaze at the tree...once again
becoming a little girl who could sit for hours it seemed, just enjoying the magic of colored lights, reflections of decorations and the fragrant tree that graced our home each year.
I even drifted back to trees of my grandparents'. I could see them in my mind.
And then I looked up...and saw our three deer. I smiled and quietly thanked the Father for sending them earlier for me to enjoy.
Coincidence some would say...not me... for I know my Father God...I know Him very well and I know how He just loves to give His children little surprises...each and every day!
Get ready! Be watchful! Look and see how He will bless you...each and every day!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The song "Silver Bells" can throw me into the past right uncles singing, playing their guitars and all of us kids joining in (not knowing half the words). Driving out to look at the decorations several times a week is a favorite tradition you and I have created for ourselves.