Sunday, December 27, 2009

Settling down......whew!

Life is getting back to normal...whatever normal means!

We've been socializing since the week BEFORE Thanksgiving and now we seem to be "settling
down for a long winter's nap"...or at least staying home a bit more.

I will work in the house which hasn't recouperated from dragging out Christmas decorations,
in one room especially...known around here as the "black hole". You do take your life into your own hands when you enter...just ask Mike!

Christmas decorations will come down sometime this week or weekend but winter ones will remain...snow villages, snowmen, and the tree on the porch is still quite fresh and I can't bear to take it down anytime soon!

We will welcome in the New Year very quietly. Over the years we have come to prefer a nice quiet evening, just the two of us! We watch a movie, watch the ball drop, kiss at midnight and have our Sutter Home Fre...non alcoholic Merlot, toasting in the new year!

Looking forward to reading by the fire and keeping cozy warm on these upcoming winter nights!
AND of course we're always on the lookout for SNOW!

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