Saturday, August 3, 2013


Have always loved this beautiful home the Father God led us to over 24 years ago. And as you know, homes are always in need of some TLC as the years go by.
I had a dream, a vision of my upstairs bath being shabby chic- beadboard ceiling, beadboard wainscotting with chair rail...white with painted pale yellow walls...pinks and greens accessories.
Well, have some of the accessories and have been using them a few years. When the popcorn ceiling started cracking, etc. I thought "now is the time for my beadboard ceiling!" Well, someone in the house wasn't in favor of my scathingly brilliant idea so it just remained a dream.
Decided to remove the popcorn ceiling that was falling down---a messy, yucky job and after feeling a bit overwhelmed, called out for either Mary Poppins or popcorn-ceiling-removal elves. Neither showed...UNTIL today!
Came home from breakfast and he was in the driveway! Not only did he do my ceiling but he and Mike came upon the idea of doing beadboard and really fixing up my bathroom!
When I heard that, I had to offer up my thank-You to Father God who knew how much I wanted to do this! My dream was just sleeping and at the right time, God awakened it...just for me! Oh how He blesses me every day!
This may seem silly or so trivial a thing in the world in which we live with such evil, such need, so many life and death situations, such moral decay, etc. yet God so loves to bless His children, caring about the teeny tiny details of our lives...about our dreams...about our needs. He is such a good GOD!
Thanking Him now!

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