Thursday, March 20, 2014

Never the same again!

Wow! Haven't blogged in a long time! Just wanted to today even though no one but me will read it! It's like a journal for me during this season!

This week I received some not-too-terrific news concerning my blood work. Spoke with my Physician's assistant who wanted to immediately put me on meds. I'm not real fond of taking meds and she knows this. Am already on a couple that I want to get off of. I asked her if I could have some time to "fix" this. After a pause, she said she would give me 3 or 4 months. (I'm going for the 4)
I do have to go in and talk with her next week but I've already begun my life changing eating!

I know the Lord is with me, strengthening me and cheering me on! With Him I can do anything!

I began Tuesday after the phone call! (Had already had two pieces of Ezekiel bread with 3 pieces of Neeses' delicious sausage which I probably will never eat again!)

I'm eating veggies, fruits, nuts and seeds and drinking water. Do have my morning coffee after a glass of lemon water but off the cream! Have already begun to lose some weight! And I'm walking!

Not really missing the meat either! Know this is God working in me! :)

Will continue to journal my new adventure....

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