Monday, January 24, 2011

Another World

Last Friday was our adventure day in the land of Disney, in the "province" of Epcot.

We arrived by shuttle and made our way through small seas of mankind arriving at various countries and yes, even outer space!

We visited Canada, rode in a Viking ship in Norway, nearly tumbling down a huge waterfall. Trolls of all shapes and sizes threatened us but we survived!

We went to Mexico and feasted on a delicious Mexican fare, visited Japan, China, France, Great Britain, and Morocco. We braved rain and wind but only for a short time.

We boarded a space shuttle and went to Mars. Believe it or not I was the Commander but unlike other commanders I flew the mission with my eyes mostly closed! Guess it was a miracle that we made it!

We feasted at the Coral Reef with a huge aquarium that housed sharks and other fish. Beautiful!

We even saw Crush and he talked to us, Dory was there too. Then after his show we went in to see all the other aquariums...beautiful! Such magnificent colors! Wow! God never ceases to amaze me!

The "trip" ended with the most awesome fireworks and then we rushed to find our shuttle and after 11 hours we made it back to our hotel! Whew! What an exciting day!

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