Sunday, January 29, 2012

Amazing service!

Today was an amazing church service! After Praise and Worship we pray as a body for various needs and requests from others that have been emailed to the church. It's such a powerful time and wow!...things just started happening! People were sharing some answers to prayers- healings, etc. and then one of the youth guys stood up and began to pour his heart out over how he had been struggling with anger. God had spoken to him in a dream showing him that the anger was destroying him from the inside out. He began crying, asking for help with this and the manifested presence of God showed up!
And then one by one, a youth girl stood up and shared things she had been struggling with and then others did the same thing and prayers were going forth and people were being set free! It was wonderful!
And then we sealed it with sweet communion, acknowledging the sacrifice Jesus had done for each of us.
Pastor Chuck never got to share his sermon but we sure had church and what God wanted was done!
What an amazing day!
What an awesome God we serve!

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