Saturday, October 2, 2010

"Merry Christmas Mike!"

Got this sign for Mike to put on the porch last Tuesday. I had all intentions of wrapping it and giving it to him for Christmas. Thought to myself, "let's just hang it and see what it will look like", and so I did! Now the "bad" thing...I liked it so much that I couldn't take it down.
Oh I could have let it hang for a few days since he was out of town and then put it away but I didn't do that.
SO, last night when he came home I showed him and said "Merry Christmas, Mike". He didn't seem to mind at all! I think he rather likes it!

Oh and another more early Christmas presents! I'll just stick with the Christmas music for now.
Speaking of Christmas music, my parents came to visit Thursday afternoon (a lovely visit on the porch) and they had Kenny G Christmas playing in their SUV! See, this Christmas music "madness" runs in the family! :)
And what a wonderful family it is!

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