Thursday, January 28, 2010 Anna so wonderfully shared....

As I am continuing to read, savoring every thought the author's words convey, I come upon this description of an elderly cleric whose words of wisdom and truth set Cousin Mary upon her life's journey.....

"He had a round clerical hat, dusty and green with age. He put it on and gripped his umbrella in his left hand and held out his right to me. I held it and it was dry and rough and hot.
"My dear," he said, "I will pray for you every day of my life until I die." .....

"My dear," he said, "love, your God, is a trinity. There are three necessary prayers and they have three words each. They are these, 'Lord have mercy. Thee I adore. Into Thy hands.'
Not difficult to remember. If in times of distress you hold to these you will do well."


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