Thursday, December 24, 2009

A Tribute To A Great Lady

Dellana Zabel was a unique woman of God! She IS a unique woman of God and now she's with Him on this Christmas Eve of 2009. She just left earth and has gone Home!

Dellana was "a rough and tumble cowgirl" from the West...for real!
She was a strong lady in so many ways. She and her husband hiked different parts
of the Appalachian Trail for many years and she loved doing it.

The very first time I met her, the Lord told me that she was a "diamond in the rough"
and He was right!

She was a prayer warrior and God told her things and those things would come to pass!

She was also a very generous person who gave of her time, gifts and talents, and finances to bless others and that's what she was...a pure blessing.

There were some who never really knew her, who really couldn't appreciate her "uniqueness",
who couldn't get past the "roughness" and those were the ones who lost out on knowing this special lady.

Even though we hadn't seen each other in about a year, we communicated via e-mail at various
times and she realized one of her dreams...she wrote and published a book of her life as a testimony of how God could transform a life. I will cherish that book..........

She also knew how I enjoyed Starbucks and for the past several Christmases, she and Will sent me a Starbucks gift card in the mail...this year's came Tuesday afternoon and I never had the chance to thank her.

As I write this through my tears, I am one to say that she will be greatly missed and that my life was made a bit more "richer" because of this one special lady.
I thank God for bringing her into my life for a season and yes, I will see her again when my work is done and our Father calls me Home.

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