Thursday, July 15, 2010

Back to my Roots

Years ago when I first felt a deep hunger for the Word of God, I bought a New American Standard study Bible. I practically devoured it, highlighting passages, writing in the margins.
I took notes in it, wrote down special scriptures on any clean page I could find. I gradually went to a New King James, Amplified, King James and The Message. I study in them all from time to time, even using NIV and The Living Bible and various others.

A few weeks ago I felt led to go back to the NAS version. I pulled my old one out, re-reading certain passages, notes, special verses. It was a bit hard with all the old markings so I bought a new one. I feel as though I have gone back to my roots, so to speak. I am enjoying the way it reads. And yes, I'm marking it up too! I heard Charles Stanley say many years ago that if you had a Bible you couldn't write in, to throw it away and get one you could.
I love how God speaks to me in His Word. It's always a word in due season, something I needed to hear at the moment. When I read the Word, I expect Him to show me the rich treasures of His Word. I expect Him to speak to me through His Word and He always does.

In these days that we are living in, much has changed. What has always been good is being called evil and what is evil is now being called good. God said this would happen and it is unfolding before our very eyes. It is imperative that we keep our eyes on Him and His Word, that we walk according to His ways. He will protect those who are His, those who take Him at His Word and walk in His ways. Being religious will not keep us but being in a relationship- a real, viable relationship with Him, will.

He said that His Word is life to us! It is! It is alive and it produces His kind of life in all who will embrace it, believe it and act on it. We don't read it to impress Him. We read it to be fed, to be encouraged, to grow in our faith and to be able to be a blessing to others. It strengthens us and
enables us to overcome the cares of this world.
We cannot afford to neglect the reading and studying of His Word and we need it every day.
His Word will enable us to live and walk in love with all who come across our paths.
Love is the key! We are to love our enemies and do good to those who persecute us, who misunderstand us, even those who hate us because we belong to Him in Christ Jesus.
We cannot afford to hate people or mistreat them because they are different. We can walk in this powerful love led by Him and still take our stand for Jesus.

To survive in these last days, we need to be rooted and the One Who made us in His image. Return to your roots. And if you've never been "rooted", do it now. Work on it now.
It isn't too late.

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