Sunday, December 12, 2010

"Childlike Weekend"

Many of our Christmas "things" are for the Grands...for the children and for the child-in-me!
So love this Mickey Mouse arrangement my friend's sister made! Reminds me a bit when my college roommate and I wore Mickey Mouse ears to all our classes one day! Ah, those were the days! :)
Christmas really brings out the childlikeness in me and it certainly did last Friday night when Mike and I went as elves to our church Christmas party! (Sorry I didn't get a picture to share)
Was it dress up? No! Did Mike want to do it? Heck no! But he did it for me! Our church family loved it and we endured their laughter and teasing, especially Mike! That's why we did bring a bit more laughter and just because I wanted to do something a bit different!
I dearly love to laugh! And I dearly love this Christmas season!

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