Thursday, August 4, 2011

Afternoon musings

My thoughts have been "all over the place" today. This morning I just felt dull; not sure why but my plan of action to alleviate the dullness was to get on the rebounder for a while and to pray.
Visited my friend, Sandi for some Bible study. Always enjoy her company and I came away encouraged and with a delicious iced coffee to boot!
After lunch, reading the paper, and stretching out on the couch, random thoughts invaded my tranquility...thoughts like "why do we think the worst of people"..."why do we take something so small and insignificant and turn it into a "mountain"..."why do I get so caught up in my appearance and the fact that I am "maturing" and hate to look at myself in the mirror some days"..."why do we compare ourselves to others"..."why can't I see people more through my Father's eyes"..."why can't I be satisfied with just pleasing my Father"...
My remedy to all these whirling thoughts was to pray to my Father and throw myself into cleaning bathrooms, dusting, running the vacuum and plotting my next course of action...
immersing myself in the Word, renewing my mind and allowing Him to continue the work He began in me. This of course is an ongoing, day to day, keeping my focus on Him, Who created me and knows me best AND loves me best! (Just as He loves each of His children-we're all His favorites!)
After all, we're the "apple of His eye"...such a perfectly lovely thought! And hey! It's the Truth!

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