Sunday, August 28, 2011

Thoughts of quiet and much less activity

It's nearing 11 PM and the festivities of the past few weeks are now warm memories, some of which are mingled with a tired body and a few aches here and there.
I could never be a "party" person...too much work! We've hosted or been in charge of three parties within 8 days and then today was a spur of the moment covered dish at church.
Thank goodness we had lots of people who helped out! I did very little other than helping set out food, making coffee, and getting to know a newcomer. Mike worked much harder!
Mike and I arrived home and very soon succombed to a lovely nap. However we awoke slightly groggy and I've been in a fog ever since.
Can hardly wait to crawl back into our cozy bed and enter into sweet slumber.
Tomorrow???? Well, I'll do some laundry, straighten up a bit and read and relax. It will be a quiet day, hopefully!

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