Friday, June 18, 2010


My cousin is doing well! Moving from Intensive Care to a room some time today!
Thank you God!

Had great family visits yesterday. Nice lunch with my nephew, my sister Denise and my Mom.
Mike was able to be with us most of the time & Anna and her 4 came by to see everyone and then we went to Mike's parents for supper with April and 2 of her 4. (Camden, our birthday boy was feeling "partly great but not all great"! Bless his heart-he's been fighting off some symptoms so his dad and brother Elliott stayed home.) Anna and her family, Bill minus Brittany, Mike's other sister Beverly and her guys minus one-
we all gathered there to see Mike's sister Cheryl and her husband and our nieces and nephews and a great-nephew, Parker! He's such a cutie!
The menu was good old NC BBQ and delicious desserts!

After that we took April and kids home and had Birthday party with Camden! Such fun!

Got home after 10 and was just getting onto bed when Camden called to say "the parachute guys were awesome!" What a wonderful way to end the day!

There's just something special about family! What treasure!

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