Monday, September 19, 2011


It's a cloudy, cooler morning...quite peaceful, well, with the exception of the enthusiastic crows that greeted me earlier.
Was on the porch for an early breakfast and now am at the computer writing my blog for today. I am still amazed at the thoughtfulness of my friends, especially my church family.
Beautiful cards, sweet e-mails and phone calls and even a pair of "Great Dane" socks have come across my path.
God, in His wonderful love and faithfulness is restoring my joy. I have moments of this morning as I sat on the porch, before I took my first bite of breakfast, I "heard" Darcy's walk on the sidewalk, coming to greet me. Over the past few days I've "heard" her bark, scratch at the door and rummage around in the woods nearby. Guess that will happen for a while.
But the "neatest" thing was Saturday morning. I awoke and felt different...better...not quite as sad and as I made my way out of the bedroom, I realized that God had put a song in my heart and I began singing it ever so softly..."Beautiful One, I love...Beautiful One I adore...Beautiful One, my soul must sing"! soul MUST sing....
No matter how sad we can be, how hurt, how alone we may feel...if we belong to Him, He will ALWAYS take care of us and if you listen will hear the song He has put in your heart.
Went about the morning...Nutcracker auditions with Makenna and April, Alice Jules afterwards with them to celebrate Nutcracker rehearsals beginning again, Lowes for purple Astors for Darcy's grave and then home for a very brief time.
We left to work at the church and when I walked in the door, the band was practicing...the song: "Beautiful One"! The love God showers on me minute by minute, so bubbled all over me...
and yes...we sang it yesterday..."my soul, my soul must sing..."...selah.......
I've always loved that song but now it has an even more special meaning for me.
During a time of great sadness, God gently reminded me that I was His, that He had made me and that He would always take extra good care of me, better than anyone else and yes, that He would always put a song in my heart.
No matter what, He is always worthy of our praise and worship and He will even draw it out when we seem to be struggling...what an amazing, loving God we serve!

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